STOP FAKING çddf,faa,afa,aaf,faf,ffa,aff ¢ STOP FAKING !! ² -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- ³ written by Spacehawk/IRIS ¹ Are you still faking???? If you answer yes on this question, then you should read this little story. I'm going to tell you what happend me some time ago, a mailtraders worst nightmare. It was Saturday, and since I'm pretty lazy in the weekends I got up around 12 o'clock. About fifteen minutes later, I was walking towards our Mailbox. I opened it,and looked into the box, I found a little letter with a Royal Nor- wegian Mail logo on it. Well,by then I actually knew what it was. Because I had recieved a single letter this week, and that was strange. During the week I usually recieve 10-12 letters. I opened up the letter carefully and took out the letter. The letter started by saying that the Royal Mail had some letters which belonged to me(Spacehawk), then they described the way the stamps were faked on. The letter said that I had to make a phonecall to a listed number as fast as possible so that a meeting could be arranged. The letter also said that the Royal Mail would value an announcement. By this time I was pretty afraid and I decided to ring on Monday after school. ³Monday:¹ I came home as usually, but now I had to ring the Royal Mail. I took the phone- hook in my hand and dialed the number I had gotten. "Don't pick it up!", I said to ¶himself. But just after some seconds I heard a man's voice in the phone. I explained why I was calling, and we agreed that I came down to the main-office the next day. The man said that nothing would happend to me the first time, but I had to come down and collect the contains of the letters. I was to take the lift up to fifth floor(the highest floor!!) and ask for Berg. I felt quite re- lieved when this little phonecall was over. But the worst part wasn't over yet!! ³Tuesday:¹(Judgement Day!?!) I stood outside the Royal Mail office in Stavanger(Where I also live!!), shaked but not stirred! At 15.15 I entered the office and took the lift up to fifth floor. The fifth floor contained a lot of doors. All the doors were marked with a name, so I started looking for the name Berg. Finally I found it, I knocked on the door and a man's said that should enter. Well,I entered the room and ex- plained why I was here. First the clerk(Mr.Berg) looked a bit grim but he changed to a normal look. He went out of the room to get my letters. A few seconds later he was back again, also another guy entered the room. He presentated himself and sat down in front of me. Mr.Berg started to open the letters while the other clerk began to question me. The first question was why I started faking, was I aware how serious this was. I said that I started faking because of a lack of money, and I wasn't of course aware how serious the Royal Mail ¶looked at faking. The clerk looked rather satisfied. And he and Mr.Berg questioned me a bit more. How many letters did I recieve in a week? How long I had been faking? What did the disks contain? At the last question I answered quickly that it was PD,intros and some demos. They asked nomore about that. Mr.Berg said that nothing would happend to me since this was the first time, but if they ever caught me again I would find myself in big trouble. The clerks said that the mail with codenames on would be carefully axemined. They also said that they were aware of the big amounts of fakers and that they worked close with several contries on this issue. When I asked him if they had got a new machine which stopped faked letters better, he wouldn't answer me. I think they might have got such a machine, because this rumour have been circulated for a while. After 30 minutes I could leave the office. Soon I was on the bus heading home. I have never felt as relieved as that in my life!! This is where the whole thing ended. All I can say is stop faking before you get caught. I don't think you would like been confronted to such guys. I was lucky because the guys I talked to were really nice. But you may be unlucky and get very wicked persons who don't care what you say. If you can't afford the stamps, you shouldn't have as any contacts. Once again here is the warning: ½"STOP FAKING BEFORE IT'S TO LATE!"¹